Billy's Websites - Websites for the self-employed in Ireland
Add an business email to your website for full-time and part-time self-employed tradesmen in Ireland. Why? Free sample!
Add a business email to your website: If you wish to include an email address on your website, we believe that you should use your existing business email address or set up a free gmail email address for your business, for e.g., and we will then add that email address to your website.

We don’t set-up email addresses attached to your domain name, for example, as this is a complicated process for a regular person to set-up on their home computer or mobile device and if you ever decide to not have a website at a future date, your email address would no longer be accessible.

If you are self-employed, it may also be more beneficial to not have an email address on your website as you would most likely prefer to be contacted by
phone when local people require the service you provide locally.

One disadvantage for a self-employed person having an email or contact form on their website is that the majorty of the emails received are likely to be from
marketing or similar companies trying to sell you their services.

Our low cost, fixed-price, fully managed website packages for the self-employed include Website, Domain Name, Hosting and SEO!

Billy's Websites designs, sets-up and manages websites for both full-time and part-time self-employed tradesmen in Ireland Facebook Page | Billy's Websites Twitter Page | Billy's Websites
Billy's Websites - Full managed, fixed-price websites for full-time and part-time self-employed tradesmen in Ireland
Billy's Websites - Websites for the self-employed in Ireland
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Billy's Websites - Websites for the self-employed in Ireland. Be on Google in your town!
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